Wedding Events 

Photographing moments of your favorite family and friends. 

Haldi Ceremonies (Pithi/Grah Shanti)

Haldi ceremonies are absolutely one of my favorite events when it comes to weddings events because the focus goes onto capturing not just the person getting married, but the family and friends that come together on such a special occasion! 

Mehndi Events 

Mehndi also known as henna, is such a unique experience itself. 

Seeing moms, grandmas, aunties put on mehndi along with their daughters is such a unique experience. 

Also lets not forget the story of the couple getting unveil in such beautiful and intricate designs. 

If you are looking for a photographer for any specific wedding related event, contact me! 

Wedding events do not just stop at haldi ceremonies and mehndi nights. 
There are also proposals, engagement ceremonies, and more! 

Reach out for more information. 

Wedding Event Highlights

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